US Military Bases on Okinawa − still an essential deterrent

上席研究員・元米海兵隊大佐 グラント F. ニューシャム
Grant F. Newsham   Senior Research Fellow,
Japan Forum for Strategic Studies

 沖縄の米軍基地は常に議論の的となっており、この問題は今後も続くであろう。地元の政治問題、本土に対する歴史的な反感、反戦感情、更には沖縄に対する巨額の補助金が継続されるよう基地反対派が政府に圧力を掛けるためなど、基地の存在に反対する理由は様々である。沖縄に関しては、毎年数多くの文章が書かれているが、本稿では沖縄における米軍基地の「抑止力」としての役割に焦点を当ててみたい。 *1


*1  沖縄の米軍は主に次の軍隊から構成されている:嘉手納空軍基地の米空軍、島内各地のキャンプ と有名な普天間海兵隊航空基地に駐留する米海兵隊、ホワイトビーチの米海軍(但し艦船は日本本土の港に碇泊している)、トリイステーションの米陸軍小部隊。出動可能な空軍、海兵隊、海軍が、インド−アジア−太平洋地域全域で起こる様々な有事に対応可能な十分な規模の連合部隊を敏速に組んで米軍司令官に 軍事支援を行う。沖縄の基地と駐留軍は当地域での米軍の緊急時対応策において基本的な役割を果たしている。


US military bases on Okinawa remain a contentious issue, and probably always will be. Opposition to the military bases is owing to a combination of things; to include local politics, historic resentments of mainland Japan, anti-military feeling, and even a need by base opponents to pressure the central government to continue handsome subsidies to Okinawa. Millions of words(probably more)are written each year about the Okinawa base issue. I will add some more, but this commentary will focus on the role of US military bases on Okinawa as a ʻdeterrent.ʼ*1

Deterring what?
One should first ask whatis being ʻdeterredʼ? Put simply, US forces forward deployed on Okinawa as elsewhere in Japan are intended to deter countries that would attack other nations or seek to seize land territory or dominate seas and airspace that are either international global ʻcommonsʼ or owned by somebody else.

For many years, the Okinawa bases were seen as playing a role in deterring a North Korean attack on South Korea. However, in recent years the Peopleʼs Republic of China(PRC has strengthened the case for the US basesʼ deterrent value. The PRCʼs rapid military build-up, increasing Chinese military activities throughout the region, and claims to nearly all of the South China Sea have unsettled Chinaʼs neighbors―nearly all of whom look(even if furtively)to the United States to restrain China.

*1 The US military forces based on Okinawa are principally composed of the following: US Air Forces at Kadena Air Base, US Marine forces located at several camps on the island and the well-known Futenma Marine Corps Air Station, US Naval forces located at White Beach―although the Navy ships are home-ported elsewhere in Japan, and a small US Army detachment at Torii Station. The available Air Force, Marine, and Naval forces provide US commanders with a substantial and immediately useable combined arms force that can handle a range of contingencies throughout the Indo-Asia-Pacific region. The Okinawa bases and resident forces play fundamental roles in US military regional contingency plans.

