The President of the United States of America and his Majesty the Tycoon of Japan, desiring to establish on firm and lasting foundations, the relations of peace and friendship now happily existing between the two countries, and to secure the best interest of their respective citizens and subjects, by encouraging, facilitating and regulating their industry and trade, have resolved to conclude a treat of amity and commerce, for this purpose, and have therefore named as Their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:
The President of the United States, His Excellency Townsend Harris, Counsel-General of the United States of America for the Empire of Japan, and His Majesty the Tycoon of Japan, Their Excellencies Ino-oo-ye, Prince of Sinano(井上信濃守), and Iwasay, Prince of Hiogo(岩瀬肥後守), who, after having communicated to each other, their respective full powers, and found them to be in good and due form, have agreed upon, and concluded the following articles.
There shall henceforward be perpetual peace and friendship between the United States of America and his Majesty the Tycoon of Japan and his successors.
The President of the United States may appoint a diplomatic agent to reside at the City of Yedo(江戸), and consuls and consular agents to reside at any or all of the ports in Japan, which are opened for American commerce by this treaty. The diplomatic agent and consul-general of the United States, shall have the right to travel freely in any part of the empire of Japan, from the time they enter on the discharge of their official duties.
The government of Japan may appoint a diplomatic agent to reside at Washington, and consuls or consular agents for any or all of the ports of the United States. The diplomatic agent and consul-general of Japan may travel freely in any part of the United States from the time they arrive in the country.
日米和親条約では、我が国のことを、The Empire of Japan とのみ記載されているが、この条約では、His Majesty the Tycoon of Japan と併せて記載されていることからも、ハリスの配慮が感じられる。